Eating my Way Across Poland- Part 3 Zdunsca Wola, Poland
During the summer of 2023 I had the unique opportunity to accompany my wife on a nine-day business trip to Poland. During the trip while she was working, I spent my days taking in all the food and cultural experiences that Poland had to offer. This entry documents the third stop in our trip, a quick side trip to Zdunsca Wola, Poland, a city dating back to 1394 to visit the Kultowy Browar Staropolski brewery whose origins go back to 1699.
I was so impressed with the honey beer from this brewery that I wanted to squeeze in this unplanned side trip. Zdunsca Wola was once renowned as Poland's premiere center for cloth, linen and cotton weaving. It had a quant small town feel and after struggling to communicate with the brewery shop attendants, we demised that it probably wasn't area frequented much by tourists. It was a much smaller brewery then I expected. Due to their workers prepping for an evening event in their beer garden, we were unable to take a brewery tour but still perused their wares in their brewery shop.
I was most impressed with their variety of beer types and flavors. Choices spanned from banana beer to coffee beer to rum beer. I bought another honey beer and Melissa opted for a coconut beer and a rum beer. Although disappointed that a brewery tour wasn't available we were excited to browse their shop and then hit the road for our next stop Krakow.
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